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Neighborhood Favorite: For the Love of Malta

Maltese pastizzi comes in two classical forms, delineated by how the finely fissile pastry — laminated with both butter and lard — folds around its savory filling. Shell-shaped pastizzi, clamped tight like clams at low tide, conceal peas cooked to their melting point and spiced with a subtle curry that’s more English (Malta’s most recent colonizers) than Indian. Those with the seam down the middle, winking coyly open, usually bear ricotta flecked with herbs.

A Sea of Hope

At Johnson-Neles Dairy in Sonoma, 380 acres of undulating green hills under desktop background-blue skies, a farm worker mixes a wheelbarrow of feed for eager cows. On top of the usual blend of hay and grasses, the worker sprinkles a purplish-red powder, like a chef adding a pinch of seasoning to finish a dish. But this powder is no pepper: It’s pulverized Asparagopsis taxiformis, a red seaweed that can dramatically reduce the methane cows emit in their burps, according to studies by UC Davis scientists.

This charming Filipino restaurant in Berlin has gained local fans and even television fame

Berlin dresses monochrome in the winter. Crows roost in the leafless trees, gray post-war buildings cast long shadows, the people swath themselves in black — and indulge in the blunt, testy attitude known as “Berliner Schnauze” (Berlin snout). On brief December days, the door to Pinoy, a Filipino restaurant in the quiet Charlottenburg neighborhood, feels like a portal to a warmer, softer world.
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